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Weekly Advisory and Student Led Conferences

Please read through this page for a review of our advisory program and student led conferences.  For more information please click the link below, which contains videos of sample SLCs, advisory materials, and the details of the 21st Century Competencies.


Advisory and Student Led Conferences at Metropolitan Business Academy




Our Advisory Program is essential to ensure that students build close, trusting relationships, as well as certain non-academic skills, including perseverance and responsibility.  The purpose of advisory is to give every student at least one adult in the building who is there to academically support them and be their advocate.


Students will meet with advisory groups at least twice a month.  Advisory groups will participate in team building activities throughout the year and other activities to help students prepare for their futures.  Students are encouraged to bring any issues they are having to advisory for discussion.  Each year, the advisory curriculum focuses on different topics (e.g. job skills, college readiness).  This is intended to help prepare students for life after high school.  Students will also use our advisory sessions to prepare for Student Led Conferences.  Faculty advisors or students will call parents to schedule these conferences. 


Student Led Conferences


Student led conferences occur three times per year and are strategically scheduled in the middle of the first, second, and third marking period.  Instead of traditional “meet the teacher” night and “report card night,” students must attend individual Student Led Conferences.  Student Led Conferences are attended by a student’s faculty advisor, and an adult (anyone over 18) who cares about that student’s future.  This adult can be a parent, sibling, other relative, family friend, or friend’s parent as long as they are 18 or over.  During these meetings, students present a collection of work representing each of their classes.  The student will also explain how well they are doing in each class and how they plan to maintain their grades or improve their grades.  All Metropolitan students are expected to achieve Cs or higher on their report cards.  During these conferences, advisors can remind parents or guardians of the many student supports that are available including after school tutorial, behavior check sheets or other monitoring tools, counselors and clinicians, etc. 


Student Led Conferences allow Metropolitan to maintain over 90% parent engagement.  High parent engagement has a positive effect on student achievement. 


The upcoming dates of this year's SLCs are December 12, 2024, March 6, 2025, and May 8, 2025.


Types of Advisory


At least twice a month, students will meet with their Faculty Advisor and Advisory Group for team building and to review their academic performance, set goals and complete the advisory curriculum.  Once a month, students attend Academic Advisory, where students choose which teacher they need extra help from or challenge work from.  They meet at that time to work on assignments for that class.  This Thursday period may also be used for grade level meetings, which are run by class Advisors, Guidance Counselors or Peer Leaders.

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Tel: (475)220-7700 | â€‹Fax: (475)220-7705

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